Friday, January 5, 2007

You and Weight Loss -- What NOT To Do!

I want to invite Brad Howard to share with us five lists of weight loss factors we must know and imbibe in our quest to achieve weight loss and that great looking body shape.

Please Brad take it away from here now...


HowardWith all of the information on diet and fitness out there today, it's a wonder that anyone can get anything done. So, I've decided to help you wade through the nonsense with a list of 5 things to avoid doing like the plague.

The Un-List

1. Ditch the scale

This goes along with the one above. Learn how to use body fat calipers. If you are trying to lose fat, measure it with something that gives you an accurate measurement of the fat you are losing. A scale is a crapshoot and is the "novice" way of doing things. You don't try to figure out how much money is in your wallet by shaking it next to your ear do you?

2. Quit saying "I need to lose weight

Instead, say "I need to lose body fat." There is a huge difference between the two and only focusing on the "weight" part can get you in trouble. The unfortunate fact of the matter resides in these quick weight loss programs that advocate people losing 10 pounds in a week. Ten pounds of what? Exactly, most quick weight loss comes from water weight. You did know that didn't you?

3. Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you read

Most of the diet "gurus" giving advice nowadays are amateur homebusiness people or supplement companies trying to make a quick buck. You can tell these people apart from the true professionals by the "pitches" that they make. If it seems quick and easy, you'll know that it's not what you should be reading.

4. Don't eat once per day

If you get hungry throughout the day, it simply means that you aren't getting enough food and you're recking your metabolism.

Unless you raise your metabolism, you're just going to spin your wheels throughout the day. Make sure to eat at least 3 times per day (with each of the 3 macronutrients in each meal).

5. Quit listening to your friend that's "dropped a few pounds

Fact: most people don't really know how they've lost weight. Furthermore, chances are, your friend has lost the pounds in the wrong way and will gain them back shortly. Watch for the rebound. Get quality advice from a professional source.

Losing weight is a simple process, but that doesn't mean it's easy. I figure that by knowing what "not to do," it will make it easier for you to get out of "analysis paralysis" and actually do something. Because, my friend, over anything else... that is the true key to a better lifestyle.

And you can take that to the bank.

About the author:

Brad Howard's Stone Cold Truth has a controversial review of Tom Venuto's best selling - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Program.

Also, you might want to check out a brand new way of working out: (Turbulence Training is coming to a club near you.)

I must admit that is a wonderful LIST from Brad.  

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